Senin, 24 Maret 2008



Full Name : M. Firdaus, Ph.D

Position/NIP : Lector/ 132 158 758

Place/Date of Birth : Muara Bungo, 5 Januari 1973

Address : Jl. Radar Baru no. 37 Margajaya Bogor Barat, Bogor
Jawa Barat Telp 0251-7107585

Occupation : Lecturer at Faculty of Economics dan Management
Bogor Agricultural University (1996 – sekarang)
Executive Secretary at Center for Tropical Fruit Studies IPB
(2005 – sekarang)

Education : Bachelor – Bogor Agricultural University (1996)
Master – Bogor Agricultural University (1998)
PhD – Dept. of Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia (2006)

Doctoral Thesis : Impact of Foreign Investment Inflows on Regional
Disparity in Indonesia (Application of Dynamic Panel Data Methods/Generalized Methods of Moments )

Teaching Experiences (Undergraduate and Graduate Program)
1. General Economics (1995-2008)
2. Macroeconomics (1995-2008)
3. Microeconomics (1995-2008)
4. Econometrics (1995- 2008)
5. Regional Economy (1997-2008)
6. Research Methodology fro Economics and Business (1997-2008)

Training in Economics and Business
1. Econometrics for Senior High School Teachers. Department of Education and Culture. 1997-1998.
2. Quantitative Methods for Management. Department of Agribusiness Management IPB. 2005-2007.
3. Univariate Time Series Analysis. Department of Economics IPB. 2005-2007
4. Modern Econometrics for Lecturer of Department of Economics IPB. 2006.
5. Panel Data Methods for Bank Indonesia Staff. Intercafe IPB. 2006.
6. Computable General Equilibrium. Department of Economics IPB. 2006.
Research Activities Related to Economics and Agribusiness:
1. Agribusiness Development in Kabupaten Bengkalis. 1995. Riau Development Project Funds.
2. Risk Analysis of Offering Local and Imported Fruits (An application of Single Index Portfolio). 1996. Agricultural Research Management Project (ARMP).
3. Networking Development of ”Koperasi Unit Desa Mandiri Inti” Department of Cooperatives and Small Enterprises. 1996-1998.
4. Business Development of Singapore-Johor-Riau Area. 1998. Agricultural Research Management Project (ARMP).
5. Industrial Analysis of Indonesian Economics: Input-output Approach, 1998.
6. Study of “System Tebasan”: Improving the competitiveness of Indonesian Fruits. 1998.
7. Improving the Role of Dry Bean to Increase the Farmer’s Income. Pengkajian Alternatif Teknologi Pertanian Partisipatif. 1998.
8. Designing the Farmer Group Storage. Pengkajian Alternatif Teknologi Pertanian Partisipatif. 1999.
9. Competitiveness Analysis of Indonesian Fruits. 1997-2000. Hibah Bersaing, Department of Education and Culture.
10. Integration of Production and Marketing of Mango and Rambutan. 1999-2000. Department of Agriculture.
11. Optimization of the Role of Terminal Market Cipinang. 2000. PT. Food Station Cipinang Jaya.
12. Optimization of the Role of Terminal Market Cipinang. 2001. PT. Food Station Cipinang Jaya.
13. Efficiency of Rice Distribution from and into Terminal Market Cipinang. 2002. PT. Food Station Cipinang Jaya.
14. Consumer Preference to Quality Improved Pineapple. 2003. Ministry of Research and Technology.
15. Consumer Preference to Quality Improved Papaya. 2003. Ministry of Research and Technology.
16. Determinants of Street Fruits Offering. 2003. Ministry of Research and Technology.
17. Marketing Analysis of Agricultural Products from Terminal Market to Retail Markets in Jakarta: Horticulture, Meat and Rice. 2004. Government of DKI Jakarta Province.
18. National Strategic Research of Tropical Fruits. 2000 - 2006. Ministry of Research and Technology.
19. Development of Sugar Industry in PTP XI and XII. 2004. Ministary of BUMN.
20. Determinants of Realization of Approval Investment. 2004. Board for Investment Coordinating.
21. Estimation of Illegal Imported Horticulture. 2005. Department of Agriculture.
22. Development of Horticulture Exports. 2005. Department of Agriculture.
23. Marketing Efficiency of White Paper Muntok. 2006. Commission for Monitoring of Business Competition Indonesia.
24. Survey of Fruits Consumption in Jabotabek. 2006. Ministry of Research and Technology.
25. Forecasting and Determinants of Fruit Prices at Terminal Market Kramatjati. 2006. Ministry of Research and Technology.
26. Competitiveness and Marketing Analysis of Mangoesteen in Indonesia. 2007. Ministry of Research and Technology.
27. Competitiveness Analysis of Pineapple in South Sumatera. 2007. Ministry of Research and Technology.
28. Demand for Papaya, Banana and Oranges in Java Island. 2007. Ministry of Research and Technology.
29. Structure, Conduct and Performance of Manufacturing Sector in Indonesia. 2007. Ministry of Industry.
30. Impact of Economic Crisis on Manufacturing Sector. 2007. Ministry of Industry.
31. Mapping of Investment Opportunity in Eastern Indonesia. 2007. Ministry of Industry.
32. Impact of Interest Rate on Credit Channeling for SMEs. 2007. Bank of Indonesia.
33. Competitive Analysis of Rice Industry. 2008. Commission for Business Monitoring of Competition Indonesia.
34. Effectiveness of LUEP Program. 2008. Ministry of Agriculture.
35. Evaluation of National Rice Policy. 2008. Ministry of Agriculture.

Bogor, 1 March 2008

Muhammad Firdaus, Ph.D

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